Sunday, 13 January 2013

Blog version 2.awesome

New year, new gat dang blog!

No more messing around. This time around things are gonna be way mo' better'er!

Unlike my last attempt at a blog, this one will have way more substance and consistency, like a delicious bowl of clam chowder. Though instead of being served in a bread bowl, it will be served in a bowl of friggin' awesome and seasoned with a sprinkle of insight, and a dash of radical opinion.

I have decided my reincarnated blog needs a theme, something to tie together the incoherence. So I thought for awhile of some possible concepts that weren't very good, then I thought of all the brutal blogs out there on the interweb and how I didn't want mine to be crappy.

Then it hit me, like a really tiny and impotent lightening bolt. Why not just do the thing that I can't help but do anyways?

Criticize the shit out of stuff!

So that's what my blog is gonna do. I know what you're all thinking(yeah that's right, all one of you guys reading this), you're thinking, "oh yeah, the world TOTALLY needs another dude to offer his bullshit review of movies and restaurants," well that's where this blog is different. Here at we don't review movies, restaurants, books, plays, or any of that stuff. We leave that to the stuffy and unimaginative, we'll handle everything else.

*DISCLAIMER: Sometimes we might also refer to our self as "we" when in fact "we" are just one sad, petty, and over-critical individual.

I will be offering my opinions and official(unofficial) rankings on anything and everything I feel like.

For example I may opt to review the pair of socks I'm wearing that day, then the next time review my cat(and Billy if you're reading this, if I come home and find a turd on the floor that is an automatic 0 out of 10!)
I'm not even limiting this blog to tangible, physical things. Maybe I'll choose to review the color purple or the breeze that day? Who knows, I don't even know! What I do know is that I promise to deliver the straight shit, pull no punches. Hey, I'm sorry if you only score a 3 out of 10, homeless guy washing himself in the college bathroom sink, but I calls 'em like I sees 'em!

So stay tuned! ...or don't, whatever.

But seriously do check back, cause it is gonna be friggin' awesome!

...unless you are my shower, in which case you're probably not gonna like what you read. I mean come on, learn how to drain you loser!

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